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Business Data Sources: Bloomberg Terminal Procedures

This research guide provides links to repositories for finding business data

Setting up an Account

  1. On your desktop, open up the “Bloomberg” app
  2. Click on “Enter GO”
  3. Navigate to the “Create New Login” button
  4. You’ll be prompted to answer two questions
    1. Answer Yes for if you are creating this for yourself
    2. Answer No for if you have been a user before
  5. Fill in the user information
    1. First & Last Name
    2. Username (Bloomberg will populate this field with a generated one, but you can change it so long as it is available)
    3. Company & Mobile Phone (you’ll put your mobile number in for both)
    4. Email Address (this will be your or address)
  6. You’ll be prompted to verify your account with a code, select either the SMS, Phone, Email option for how you want the code delivered
    1. Once the code has arrived enter it in the box
  7. You’ll need to create a password, be sure it follows the password criteria
  8. Everything is all set, you can now login and begin exploring

Setting up Excel-Addins

  1. Prior to using the Bloomberg API with Excel for data you’ll need to get Excel-Addin installed
  2. Ensure any Bloomberg and Excel programs are closed
    1. You can check for any background applications by opening Task Manager and checking
  3. Click on the Windows home icon in the bottom left corner of the screen
  4. Search for the Bloomberg folder in the left-side pane and open the folder
  5. Navigate to the “Install Addins” program and open
  6. Click on the “Install” button and then the “Ok” button
    1. If any of the add-ins say they cannot be installed, refer to the next section for diagnosing/fixing
  7. Reopen Excel and the Bloomberg tab should appear in the ribbon

Debugging Excel-Addins

  1. Open the same Bloomberg folder you tried to install the add-in and select “API Environment Diagnostics”
  2. Click “Run” and the engine will check for any missing licenes/registration
  3. Click “Repair” and the engine will attempt to fix the issues
    1. If you are prompted to enter a local admin password, you will need to talk with faculty to submit an IT Support ticket for the issue to be fixed. Please note the exact terminal that is having the issue
  4. After the engine makes its repairs, attempt to reinstall the add-ins
    1. If the issue persists, please contact faculty to submit an IT Support ticket. Please note the exact terminal having the issue.

Bloomberg Market Concepts (Self-Paced Training)

  1. Login to Bloomberg as you normally would, afterwards click on the search bar
  2. Type in the function BCER (Bloomberg Certificates)
  3. On the left-hand side of the screen, click the Login button
  4. Enter your coyotes email address and then your Bloomberg password and click Enter
  5. Microsoft Edge will open a separate window, navigate to that window
  6. On the ribbon on the screen select the Certificates tab
  7. Click on the Learn More button, from there you can select which courses to take for completion of BMC
    1. Note: Those courses that have a blue ribbon are ones counting towards achievement of certification

Bloomberg Resource Center

Type BPS into the terminal command field for the Bloomberg Resource Center.  This allows you to browse various cheat sheets, brochures, and fact sheets that help guide analysis.

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