Phone: 605-658-3363
Hours: The Reading Room is open Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Appointments are strongly encouraged and staff are available to meet with you either in-person or virtually, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Holidays and other exceptions.
Location: Room 321, I.D. Weeks Library
Aadland, Gordan correspondence with Al Neuharth
Abourezk, James G.
Abourezk, James G., Wounded Knee, 1973 Series [See Abourezk, James C.]
Account Books, South Dakota [in remote storage]
Akeley, Lewis Ellsworth
Albertson, George photographs and postcards [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
American Association of University Women
American Council on Education
American Revolution Bicentennial Collection
Amundson, Marjorie C.J. Lifto
Anderberg, Ina
Anderson, Rebecca collection on Whiteclay, Nebraska
Anderson, Sigurd, 1904-1990
Anderson, Vivian Lucille Steen photographs
Audio Visual collection
Austin, Horace J.
Autograph collection
Barkl, Charles E. and Ronald Oakley
Bates, Maurice K.
Beard (Cathy) correspondence with Linda Hasselstrom
Beaty, Donald collection of Peter Norbeck and W.H. King correspondence [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Beebe, H.E.
Beede Family
Bellamy, Paul E.
Berdahl, Clarence A. (Clarence Arthur)
Beresford Train Depot
Bernhardt, Gerd, Prairie Dust: A Play of the Dakota Drought [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Betzer, Roy J.
Birds of South Dakota
Blachnik, Robert
Black Hills Playhouse [See Lee, Warren Marion]
Bodmer, Karl reproductions of illustrations to Maximilian Prince of Wied's Travels in the Interior of North America
Boe, Nils A.,
Bowersox, Caroline collection of William Henry Jackson photochroms
Breeden, Jane Rooker
Brenckle, Jacob F.
Brokaw, Tom awards
Brookman, Harold Edwin
Broughall, V.V.H. [textiles]
Brownson Family history and photographs [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Bulow House
Burton, Frederick Cullen, 1919-1945
Busch, Martin [in remote storage]
Bushfield, Harlan John
Camp Wanzer Records
Case, Ralph H.
Cash, Joseph H.
Chant, James H.
Christol, Carl
Christopherson, Charles A.
Churchill, Edward P.
Civil War diary, Union Soldier [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Clark, Badger [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Clay County, South Dakota, Schools
Clem, Alan
Clifford, Perry correspondence [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Cobb, Henry
Command [See Moses, Lloyd R.]
Cooper-Foote, Dorothy (Wright)
Country School Legacy
COVID-19 emails [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Cramer, Petrea Diaries
Crow Creek site
Crowl, Herman E.
Cruickshank, Thomas scrapbook [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Cummins, Cedric
Dakota Farmers' Alliance Company [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Dakota Territory, Bureau of Immigration [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Dakota Writing Project
Davidson, John Missouri River Law collection
Day, John collection on Arthur Amiotte
Day, John collection on Robert (Bobby) Penn
Dickinson, William E.
Dillon, Charles H. and Frances J. scrapbook
Dimmick, Lauretta [in remote storage]
Edelen, Mary B.
Edwards, Edward H. journal [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Egge, Ruth March
Ehrensperger, Edward Charles
Eisenman, Father Sylvester O.S.B.
Erickson, Ella scrapbook
Fahsing, William Frederick
Farber, William O. (Karl Mundt Foundation)
Farber, William O. papers
Farrar, Frank L.
Federal Writers' Project, Works Progress Administration [See Works Progress Administration Records]
Fine, Mary Jean collection of Thomas Hunter diaries
Fish Survey notebook, South Dakota [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Fite, Gilbert C.
Fites, Gilbert G.
Fort Sully diary [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Foss, Joseph Jacob
Fossler, Harold Ray
Frantz, Alfred A.
Friggens, Paul
Frost, Alfred Sidney
Gallup-Livingston, Mary
General Land Office maps
Geological Survey (U.S.) atlases and folios
Gilroy, Leo
Gleed, James Willis, The Defenseless Railroad Owner [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Grass, Richard Deo
Gray, Sanford [See USD Archives, Education Media film collection]
Gubbrud, Archie M.
Gutch, Charley and Elizabeth (Betty) [in remote storage]
Hammond, Dephane
Hanson, Joseph Mills
Harnois, Rick D., A Survey of the Cemeteries and Burial Sites of Clay County, South Dakota [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Hasse, Merten and Gladys
Hasselstrom, Linda
Herseth, Ralph
Hilderbrand, Robert
Historical Records Survey, Works Progress Administration [See Works Progress Administration Records]
Hitchcock, Gilbert Monell
Hodgin, E. Stanton scrapbook
Holm, Richard notebook [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Hoover, Herbert Theodore
Horst, Marilyn collection of aerial photographs
Howe, Oscar
Hoy, Carl Blythe
Hoy, Hazel diaries
Indian Community Action Project (ICAP)
Indian Schools [See Reservation Schools]
Inter-Allied Games [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Janklow, William J.
Jolley, John Lawlor
Johnson, John A., Alumni photographs
Jones, Mildred McEwan
Jorgensen, Theodore Prey autobiography [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Kaufman, Fred S.
Keith, Arthur Leslie,
Kennedy, Cornelius B.
Kneip, Richard F. (Richard Francis)
Knutson, Wayne S.
Koch, Jean Soulier
Krueger, Caroline Kruse correspondence
Lacey, Charles
Lame Johnny Press
Lee, Andrew Ericson
Lee, R. Alton
Lee, Warren Marion
Legg, James
Leonias, Joe interview [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Lewis, D.S., Address delivered at the dedication of monument to William B. Thompson of Sergeant's Bluff [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Lewis, Martin J. diary
Lightner, Mahlon T. correspondence [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Little Wound School Board, An invitation to teach at Little Wound School [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Lommen, Grace D. Eldridge
Loucks, Henry Langford
Louisiana Purchase Centennial dedication ceremonies [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Lowe, Richard Barrett
Lyon, William H.
Maag, Albert J.
Manfred, Frederick
Marek, Robert C.
Maroukis, Tom
Mattson, Donald L,,Thoughts on a Dakota Prairie [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
McFatridge, Arthur E.,
McKusick, Marshall Bassford
McMaster, William Henry
McVay, Chester B. [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Mellette, Arthur Calvin
Mickelson, George Theodore
Miller, Elliot V. files on Karl H. Wegner
Miller, Norman E.
Miller, Warner D., Arikara Villages on the Upper Missouri [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Mills, Ellen S. diary [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Milton, John R.
Missouri River Basin Project
Morrison, Joseph G.
Moses, Lloyd Roosevelt
Moses, Lloyd Roosevelt, Command Papers
Moses, Ruth West
Mossman, E.D., Report on Standing Rock [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
National Archives Record Group 75, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Special Cases 1821-1907
National Archives Tribal Records
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
National Organization for Women (NOW), Vermillion Chapter
Newcastle-Vermillion Bridge Committee
Nielson, P. Raymond, Edward Creighton and the Pacific Telegraph [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
No Business Magazine [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Noll, Bruce Alan
Norbeck, Peter
Norbeck/Wegner Family papers
North Central Conference (NCC)
Northern Great Plains Resource records
Norway Township, Clay County, South Dakota
Ochsenreiter, Louis G.
Oglala Sioux Tribal Council
Opening of the Sisseton Wahpeton Reservation [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Over, W. H. (William Henry)
Painter, John S.
Parmley, J.W.
Penn, Robert L.
Petersen, Elmore
Peterson, August
Peterson, Eric Frank [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Peterson, Peter William genealogy and farm account ledger [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Philip, George
Plains Anthropological Society (PAS)
Playbill Collection
Pommersheim, Frank
Porter, Melinda Camber [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Pressler, Larry
Public Document Study Commission
Pyle, Gladys
Pyle, Mamie I (Shields)
Ranney, Brooks
Raptor Research Foundation
Redfield, South Dakota [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Rediscovering the barns of Clay County, South Dakota
Reservation Schools
Richardson Photograph collection
Roberts County Workers and Farmers Defense Committee [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Rolfe, Leanne papers [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Rothrock, Edgar Paul, 1889-
Rubida, Ruth [in remote storage]
Schell, Allan H. collection of Campaign Buttons, Pins, and Political Ephemera
Schell, Herbert Samuel
Scholten, Adrian H. papers [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Scott, George Prescott
Scrapbooks, Richardson collection
Scribner, Kent
Selz, William notebooks
Sharpe, Merrell Quentin
Sheet Music
Shields, Milford E., The Hummingbird [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Shoemaker, Gretchen Gall
Shorock, Don collection of road maps
Shunk, Harold
Sioux Indians in Canada [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Slaughter, Donald
Smith, Effie Farris, Tales of a pioneer daughter [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Smith, Henry and Jennie Photographs
Sougstad, Mike, Art and artists in South Dakota [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
South Dakota Academy of Science papers [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
South Dakota Advocacy Network for Women
South Dakota Association For Communication and Technology
South Dakota Constitutional Revision Commission
South Dakota Depository Library Program
South Dakota High Schools directories
South Dakota Library Association (SDLA)
South Dakota Public Broadcasting
South Dakota publications
South Dakota Review
South Dakota Schools and Universities
South Dakota Sports Institute's South Dakota Summer Games [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
South Dakota State Fair [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
South Dakota State Library Commission
Spearfish, South Dakota [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
St. Francis Indian Mission Calendars [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
St. Francis Mission Records, William Stolzman
Stephan, South Dakota
Sterling, A.P.
Sterling, Everett W.
Stilwell, Wilber M.
Swan, G.N., Swedes who lived in Sioux City [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Swedish Pioneers Historical Society of Clay County, South Dakota meeting minute book [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Tarbell, Wright
Thomas, Norman E
Todd, John Blair Smith
Townsley, Mabel
Trimble, Charles E.
Trimble, Charles, Native American newspaper collection [in remote storage]
Trinity Danish Lutheran Church
Tri-State Polio Survivors
Trojan Mining Company
University and College Accreditation Material
USGS topographic maps
USS South Dakota (BB-57) [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Valandra, Cato
Van Voorhis, F.L.., The Mill Creek pre-historic Indian culture [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Vermillion Community Artists' Series Association [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Vermillion Literary Project
Vermillion Pathfinders
Vermillion, South Dakota
Vessey, Robert S. proclamations [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Vietnam Veterans, South Dakota Oral History
Visser, Audrae, poems [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Wall Drug
Waśeśa Club, Vermillion, South Dakota
Weeks, I.D. and Virginia
Wegner, Karl
Western Governors' Regional Energy Policy Office (WGREPO)
Wheeler, Anna Johnson Pell
Wickens, David L.
Williams, Elizabeth Evenson, W.R. Ronald: Prairie editor and an AAA architect [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Williamson, William,
Willis, John. Mni Wiconi and Requiem for the Innocent
Willman, Ron and Lois, ephemera
Wilson, Alvin Scrapbook
Wilson, Oliver King,
Women's Research Conference - USD
Woodworth, Milton
Woolworth, Alan, Official Dakota Indian Scout Roster [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Works Progress Administration Maps
Works Progress Administration Records [in remote storage]
Works Progress Administration, Original Drawings, South Dakota
Works Progress Administration, Writers Project Series, Box 34 [See Works Progress Administration Records]
World Archaeological Congress [in remote storage]
World's Columbian Exposition
Worthen, Bill, Nellie was a lady [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Wounded Knee Occupation - 1973 [See Abourezk, James G.]
Wounded Knee Survivors Association
Wounded Knee trial transcripts
Yankton Sioux Tribe v. United States
Yellow Robe, Rosebud [In Richardson Single Folder Collection]
Young Citizens League
Zimmerman, Larry J.